Tuesday, July 11, 2006

is this the beginning of the end?

amidst the furore of the World Cup, i may have started what could be my last ever semester in school.. well shouldn't go that far.. but it should be the last of my degree atm.. after that i might take a year off and get some work experience.. might do my Masters.. what d ya reckon i should do guys?

i reckon this will be a great semester.. the papers i'm doing have got some p interesting topics.. who knows that might make me interested in doing my Masters next year.. remains to be seen.. but just gonna take a step at a time..

the only sucky thing i guess is two 9 am starts in two days at the start of the week.. oh well that's life.. at least it's gonna get brighter from here on end.. not too bad.. i think it's p good.. Natalie's in my Gene class so it's nice to have her in the same class coz i've known her since she came to Otago and she's going back to Auckland next year.. and well familiar faces in my Pharmacology class so that's always good..

i must apologise to Pierre for Italianizing my blog and going Italia, Italia.. must say the French were p unlucky to lose the World Cup in a penalty shootout.. that's never the ideal way to settle the issue but i guess there has to be a winner.. shame about Zizou too.. i can't condone what he did even if i also can't condone what Materazzi said in the end.. shame it had to end that way...

anyway i've put up my ten favourite photos from the 2006 World Cup somewhere on this blog.. might be the sidebar but then again that's already kinda full.. au revoir! here's to Zouth Arfreeca in 2010! all photos which have been shown on this blog are courtesy of the BBC, Sportal.com.au, Getty Images and Sports Illustrated..

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