Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the goal

i have one more goal.. it's not one of those do-die goals like the All Blacks have to win next year's Rugby World Cup.. it's more like if it happens, it happens.. well u could say the same.. arggh enough of the analogies..

the last goal i have in my life as a BSc student is to say sorry to Jess.. not McLean but the other one.. the one Dave Pom refers to as "strawberry jam".. yeah Jess Roberts.. we haven't spoken to each other in 2 years.. she's prob going back to Christchurch to finish off Med school so i may not see her ever again.. but i need to say sorry for yelling at her.. i just need some form of closure before we never see each other again.. i don't know if she'll remember.. yes she does.. we just don't really want to talk to each other coz of what happened.. she obviously remembers me.. we did a lot of things together in first year. and what ever happened that brought upon this silence was p big.. i mean in life events yeah.. that was huge..

well we did see face to face earlier this year.. she was walking past me in the Med library and she said hi to me.. she does try to ignore me as we walk past when we see each other..

got to do it though.. u never know..

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