Sunday, March 04, 2007

if u're just wondering what's been happening to me

yes i thought i should update u about what's been happening in my life lately.. well.. i got a new job.. hang on let's up the excitement here..

i got a new job

and not just any job.. but a real 9 to 5 job - well for me 8 to 4 - in a real office! yes after months of looking for real life jobs, i finally found one that i loved.. well actually not that far but it's good enough for now.. well at least for the next 6 months and it is in Dunedin so i still get to go to Elim and see ppl i know.. but won't get to see them as much as the past.. well actually come to think of it, i still get to see them the same amount, i.e. Sunday and maybe during weekdays esp with tennis being the thing to do at Cutting Edge this year apparently.. and poker..

anyway, i'm officially a Claims Officer Registration at the ACC Rego centre in Dunedin.. it involves mostly data entry, i.e. entering claims into the system.. i have a typing speed of 70wpm so that's why i got the job i guess.. getting roughly $12 an hour so that's about right.. the ACC have just acquired a new system for processing claims so they needed more data entry processors like myself..

so yeah suit and tie.. well not quite.. dress code's actually rather lax.. in fact u could walk in nude.. well no u can't but u get the idea.. u could wear anything u want as long as it is decent and the office manager doesn't mind.. i've been doing the decent suit and tie for the first three days i started - i started last Wednesday (28 Feb) btw after i thought the ANZ Promotions job which i did temporarily had become a bit pointless in my view (got a decent pay for that though, i.e. $14.50 an hour for 4 hours of work each day)

so am i enjoying work? i guess yes in a way.. i feel really independent and grown up.. earning my own money even if it's not much.. i mean it's a good start and it's with a v good corporation.. i mean having the ACC on your CV is good - which reminds me i should also mention my ANZ job coz that always lifts the eyebrows of employers.. and yeah it's proper work and life.. i'm a professional now.. i quite like that.. i think being a student was great with all the sleep-ins but it wasn't quite real.. i don't mind the early 6.30 am wake ups as long as i can sleep in on Saturday morning - might not last if i play rugby for Mana this year..

so can i blog more coz i'm on a computer 8 hours a day now at work? well i wouldn't advise it.. plus got so many claims to go through..


Justin said...

wow your blog changed. congratulations on the new job!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, congrats on the job! So you're a professional too now, having money is awesome eh!