Tuesday, April 17, 2007

then came Tuesday...

well, unfortunately today saw another headline-making event that i will definitely remember for a long while.. to think that those who died in those dorms at Virginia Tech are students like most of my friends and myself a year ago, is just shocking.. what's more shocking was that the killer was an international student from China.. it could have happened anywhere.. not saying that we should be wary of students from China.. i'm just saying sometimes we shouldn't take things for granted and always pray and aim for a safer society..

anyway, on better news, i am definitely heading to Europe this year.. i will be flying to London on Sep 22/23 and coming back to Malaysia on Nov 28 via Singapore.. i won't be back in NZ till after the new year, so it will be au revoir to Dunedin i think in September.. which is what i expected this year.. it cost $3100 which i will pay my mum in installments over the next few months.. think that's about 8 weeks of pay.. i think i'd need $5000 to be really sure for the trip there.. maybe less if the NZ dollar keeps strengthening at the rate that it is..

i plan to visit the UK and France.. i hope to see Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary and a bit of Italy perhaps.. but we shall see.. i guess it's apt to this tour since it's my 21st year and i've never been to Europe ever..

i will be updating my blog when i'm there whenever i can for sure.. so make sure u do check..

anyway here are some pics from Stewart Island!

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