Friday, October 12, 2007


Arc de Triomphe, originally uploaded by davedavid86.

I always knew going to the continent was going to be a challenge because of the cultural, language barriers.. even using the keyboard in Paris takes a while to get used to because the keys are actually arranged differently!!!

Yesterday was great but p tiring.. Thankfully Paris is probably more beautiful at night than in the day because there was a bit of fog which kinda ruined the views at the top of Notre Dame.. nevertheless Paris is still a v beautiful city.. and the food is actually much cheaper than in London!! have to say also that the myth that French people are unfriendly is all that.. they greet u on the street which is nice..maybe it's the fact that i'm a foreigner but it's still p nice.. have used my French when i can although most people understand a bit of English;; however i am making the effort to converse only in French when i can..only way to learn and improve.. realised what i thought was the way to pronounce the word treiste (30 in French) was completely wrong...

anyway as u can see from my flickr album, did a bit of walking around the city yesterday.. Notre Dame, Palais Royal, Arc de Triomphe..last night stayed in the international residence at Bougnlet (q cheap) tonight moving into this hostel right in the Latin Quarter called Le Young et Happy and should be there till Monday. thinking of going to Rouen and the Normandy beaches during the week next week before coming back for the World Cup Final on Sat.. can already tell that rugby fever has hit Paris.. allez les bleus!

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