Wednesday, April 04, 2007

why can we say Happy Good Friday and Easter?

excuse my sudden burst of blogging but...

was on a chatroom and we came to this question about whether it was appropriate to say Happy Good Friday.. when Good Friday is the day that our Lord died so gruesomely on the cross but for the good of humanity.. here was my response which was p good even if i should say so myself..

well as a Christian when i think abt it, it can be a happy thing coz it's the day Jesus defeated death to give humanity hope of redemption for their sins, the thing that is hindering man from ever being one with God.. coz of that it only takes one prayer to accept Jesus' gift of salvation and freedom from our sins, hence being one with God.. yes it did require the gruesome death of a wholly righteous man, the Son of God, but the price of this unselfish act is eternity for those who choose to accept it..

for me Good Friday was the act, Easter Sunday was the consumation..

and of coz u can't have Good Friday without Easter and vice versa.. otherwise u'd have either a horror story or a freak of nature story..

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